
Project to Product How to Survive and Thrive in the Age of Digital Disruption with the Flow Framework

About the difference between a project and a product, what's wrong with the pipeline analogy and visualizing a company through Value Stream Network.

It Doesnt Have to Be Crazy at Work

I read a new book from Basecamp where they tell their vision of the working atmosphere in a company.

Summary "Kanban is not what you used to think about it. Alexey Pimenov"

Kanban is primarily about visualization, Work In Progress limitation and metrics.

Summary "Concourse CI with cubes in pure YAML. Maxim Zalysin"

Concource CI can integrate with anything with resources, declaratively described, easily extensible.

How to measure the quality of application architecture

An architecture quality assessment metric from Uncle Bob of Clean Architecture.

If the process is not described and not repeatable, then a company doesn't know how to do it

Without documentation, the workflow cannot be scaled to colleagues and will be confined to a specific pair of experts.

Ops should know dev, Dev should know ops

The market has changed and modern tools and approaches require an understanding of the workings of related specialties.