Andrey Aleksandrov

I have gained a very diverse work experience in IT: I have written backends, frontends, optimized systems, built platforms, managed projects, teams, and small departments. In each of these roles, I was interested in understanding the main challenges, what engineering practices and processes are needed, and how it all fits into the overall picture of software production. Later on, I found out that such interest and diverse experience can be well combined with a career as a consultant and expert. I gained my first consulting experience at Express42 in 2018-2019, and now I am doing it as part of my team at

How I can be helpful

CTOs, Architects, and Managers

  • launch and develop an internal platform and platform team
  • launch and develop an internal enabling team
  • conduct audits of teams and departments to assess their state and engineering maturity
  • understand how teams interact with each other, who blocks whom, and how it affects the speed
  • propose solutions to unblock teams and departments

Platform Team Leads and Product Managers

  • collect feedback from other teams
  • create an interface for interaction with teams
  • formulate a roadmap for platform development and take the first steps
  • choose metrics
  • lead the transition of the company to platforms

Team Leads and Tech Leads

  • implement engineering and development practices
  • solve the problem of team overload
  • conduct audits of the team and understand its problems and areas for development


You can reach me via telegram @aladmit or email [email protected]