Andrei Aleksandrov

Andrei Aleksandrov

😎 Expert in engineering practices

  • For over 7 years, I have been helping companies develop engineering culture, processes, and practices. I work with product, platform, and enabling teams.

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Recent notes

I am collecting feedback on the draft of the intensive program on Trunk Based Development

SberCloud has started to conduct its own market research on cloud services.

I'll be at the conference on Monday and Tuesday, happy to chat over coffee breaks.

Discussed how to get started using documentation, where to store it, keep it current, and integrate it with the incident resolution process.

First time I organized a public discussion, collected just all the existing rakes.

PulumiCorp will officially support ISP, all languages are now available, not just TS.

Paid communities appear to be more resilient to growing membership and maintaining an applied agenda.

Now providers are not made manually, but are generated based on the cloud speck API.

A wrapper on top of terraform, with only TS support for now, but already usable.

Setting Vi-mode in Obsidian to work with Russian language and relative numbers.

Occurs not only in the context of CI, but also TBD. TBD imposes additional restrictions.

How to customize theme switching in Vim and Alacritty along with Night Shift in macOS.

Anton published an outline of my report about CI from the DevOps Novosibirsk mitap.

All the research is Western, and we don't know what is going on in Russia. Express42 has launched its own version of State of DevOps.

A cartoon from Netflix about the inevitability of death and ways of accepting it in different cultures.

Recommendations on self-reduction of burnout after work and in which companies the problem of burnout is more acute.

What skills a transformational leader needs. How companies typically want a DevOps engineer >.<

I read a new book from Basecamp where they tell their vision of the working atmosphere in a company.

Discussed how to get started using documentation, where to store it, keep it current, and integrate it with the incident resolution process.

Whitepaper from DevOps Enterprise Forum 2018 for those who want to be leaders.

About the difference between a project and a product, what's wrong with the pipeline analogy and visualizing a company through Value Stream Network.

I read a new book from Basecamp where they tell their vision of the working atmosphere in a company.

Kanban is primarily about visualization, Work In Progress limitation and metrics.

Concource CI can integrate with anything with resources, declaratively described, easily extensible.

An architecture quality assessment metric from Uncle Bob of Clean Architecture.

Without documentation, the workflow cannot be scaled to colleagues and will be confined to a specific pair of experts.

The market has changed and modern tools and approaches require an understanding of the workings of related specialties.